Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Sheikh Nazim Haqqani Sultanul Awliyah Naqshbandi more photos

Sheikh Nazim Haqqani Sultanul Awliyah Naqshbandi more photos.

Here I am posting few more photos of our Beloved Murshad Shaykh Nazim Adil Nakshibendi Haqqani Sultanul Awlia (R).

 Khidr Khizr or the Green Man Khizar Alaihissalam

Glass ware of Shaykh Nazim Adil Haqqani Naqshbandi QS

Shaikh Bahauddin Adil the Beloved Son of Mawlana

Shaikh Bahauddin Adil the Beloved Son of Mawlana

Sheikh Nazim Haqqani with Sheikh Hisham Kabbani the son in law of Mawlana

Blessed house of Mawlana

People love Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Adil Haqqani Naqshbandi Rabbani Cyprusi

People love Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Adil Haqqani Naqshbandi Rabbani Cyprusi so much so that they have made and composed different songs and nasheeds and poems for him in different languages, English, Turkish, Urdu & Arabi and in Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Malaysia and German & different languages, In-fact Mawlana Sheikh was a Charismatic personality, & I believe that only a Charismatic person can lead a nation or people towards forming a unity. We need a Charismatic person for uniting the muslims, we miss mawlana sheikh a lot. Here I am posting a beautiful song dedicated to mawlana sheikh in Turkish, by Osmanli Dergahi. New York USA.

The Translation of this song is as follows,..

A turkish illahi sung by the Naqshbandi Osmanli


The Pir of the all braves
Sheikh Nazim Adil Haqqani
Sultan of Awliyas
Sheikh Nazim Adil Haqqani

Allah Allah Ya Allah 
Allah Allah Hu ALlah
Allah Allah Haq Alla 
Laa illaha Illa ALlah

The good news from Prophet
The beatiful person 
The guide of Haqqanis 
Sheikh Nazim Haqqani

Allah Allah Ya Allah 
Allah Allah Hu ALlah
Allah Allah Haq Alla 
Laa illaha Illa ALlah

Sheikh of 41 tariqats
The guide from Allah 
Awliyas Sultan of the End of time 
Sheikh Nazim Adil Haqqani

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Sheikh Nazim Naqshbandi with Sheikh Abdul Karim Kibrisi the Mureed of Mawlana

Beloved Son of Shaykh Nazim Adil Haqqani our beloved Mawlana QS
spreading love not money

Shaikh Bahauddin Adil the Beloved Son of Mawlana

Shaykh Nazim adil Haqqani in his youth in Damascus

Sheikh Adnan Kabbani & Hisham Kabbani With Sheikh Nazim Adil Haqqani

Blessed house of Mawlana Nazim

Shaikh Bahauddin Adil the Beloved Son of Mawlana

Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Adil Haqqani Sultanul awliyah (R)

Shaikh Mohammad Mehmet Adil the Beloved Son of Mawlana

Shaikh Mohammad Mehmet Adil the Beloved Son of Mawlana

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