Saturday, April 22, 2017

Sultanul Awliyah Shaikh Nazim Adil Haqqani Naqshbandi Al Rabbani Cyprus

I am posting few more photos of our beloved Sheikh Nazim Haqqani & his sons & his grandsons after this brief introduction to Sufism.

What is Sufi?

A Sufi is a mystical Muslim individual who subscribes to Sufism, the sufism is a mystical organization in Islam, where there is a grand master who is called as a Murshid and all other members are called as Mureeds, actually all mureeds are subscribing and paying a vote of allegiance to the Murshid, and the Murshid is the one who is a basic mystic who guides the Mureeds in their spiritual and physical lives, the Mureeds must obey the Murshid unconditionally.

The Murshid or the grand master is actual mystic and all the other people who aspire to be mystics, becomes the members of this Sufi lodge headed by the Murshid, there are many benefits in sufism, it teaches the members about the spirituality, it teaches mutual love and peace among all human beings, it teaches to its followers or mureeds about the Islamic code of conduct and it eases the burden of a mureed by the wisdom of the grand sheikh i.e. the Murshid.

It eases the observation process of Islam on its members by intellectually judging the situation of the members and the present conditions of the world, as instructed by the prophet PBUH, “ Do not make religion hard for believers”, “ Make the religion easy for the followers”.

There is a need to follow a guided man in Islam, the prophet PBUH instructed that, “any muslims must pay a vote of allegiance to a wise and pious man, and who so ever will not do this, will die a death of non believer”. ( Hadith in Muslim & Bukhari).

The sufism is a group of like minded peoples who want to live peacefully, who want to progress in spirituality and who want to be satisfying in the religion and who want to lead a life of joy and satisfaction.

There are many impostors and charlatans who claimed to be Sufi grand masters and who exploits gullible simple people and their resources, therefore it is utmost important to search for a true Sufi grand master, the real pious Sufi grand masters are the one, who do not demand any money from the mureeds, never & never, the real pious Sufi grand masters are the one, who lead a simple life, they avoid arrogance, they avoid self pride and they avoid any injustice to anybody.

A Sufi is an individual who subscribes to the organization of the Sufi grand master and who pays a vote of allegiance to a pious Sufi mystic grand sheikh.

There are many Sufi Grand Masters and their different Sufi Orders in the World, but all of them teach Love for all humanity, as the central belief in Sufism is that “ Everything belongs to the God, & there is light of God in everything & everybody, irrespective of religion and races and geography”, Therefore there are millions of the Mureeds or followers of Sufi Grand Masters from Europe, Americas, Oceanus and Africa.

What is the significance of Sufi’s whirling dance?

It is not a dance !, it is the emotional expression of spirituality of love towards the God and his messengers and his saints or awliyahs, it is a kind of praising the God and glorifying the God & his messengers and his awliyah.

The whirling dance of Sufi's is a Dhikir or Zikir or Xikir whatever you can pronounce, it is an expression of love and joy towards the God and his awliyah and messengers, it is not compulsory but it is up-to you, if you want to do it or not, it is up-to your feelings and emotions of love towards the Sufi grand master and it is up-to you how you feel respect in your heart about the God and his awliya and his messengers and all his creatures.

If you are full of love and affection and have spirituality and emotions towards the spirituality and if you love everybody and the God and all his creatures then you will automatically perform the whirling dance of Sufi, it is actually a hosanna.

Ishrat Hussain Engineer on Quora

Mawlana Shaikh Nazim in Daghestan

Grandson of Mawlana Shaikh Nazim

Blessed Home of  Mawlana Shaikh Nazim in Lefke Sharif Cyprus

Shaikh Mehmet Son of Mawlana Shaikh Nazim in India

Blessed Masjid of our Beloved Mawlana Shaikh Nazim in Lefke Sharif Cyprus

Mureeds of Mawlana Shaikh Nazim with Shaikh Mehmet & Shaikh Bahauddin Adil Haqqani in Lefke Sharif cyprus

Shaikh Mehmet & Shaikh Bahauddin Haqqani

Shaikh Bahauddin the Beloved son of Mawlana Shaikh Nazim Haqqani

 Shaikh Mohammad Adil Haqqani the Beloved Son of Mawlana Shaikh Nazim

Our Beloved Mawlana Shaikh Nazim Haqqani QS

Shaikh Mohammad Adil Haqqani the Beloved Son of Mawlana Shaikh Nazim Haqqani QS

Our Beloved Mawlana Shaikh Nazim Haqqani QS with his two sons

Sons & grandsons of Mawlana Shaikh Nazim Haqqani QS cyprus

 Missing Mawlana Shaikh Nazim Haqqani QS

 Beloved Grandson of Mawlana Shaikh Nazim Haqqani QS

Shaikh Hisham Kabbani with Shaikh Bahauddin Haqqani

A scence of Bayah or vote of allegiance
